Chatbots News

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Insurance Chatbot The Innovation of Insurance

To ensure that any alterations are not viewed as an additional burden, insurance companies must be ready to support clients in performing end-to-end seamless processes in a friendly and secure manner. This data enables insurance companies to provide individualized services and improved quote suggestions that take into account the requirements of each client. Customer service [...]

Top HIPAA Compliant Chat Apps in 2022

To build this application, we're going to rely on a few libraries, Stream React Chat, Virgil SDK, Virgil Crypto, and Google Dialogflow. Our final product will encrypt text in the browser before sending a message to Stream Chat. The encrypted message will be relayed to our backend via Stream's webhooks. Decryption and verification will happen [...]

The best 22 AI chatbots; ChatGPT and alternatives

It can connect with your operational technology to create a deep and relevant customer experience. An AI-chatbot can assist website visitors by answering their questions in real-time, provide personalized recommendations, and guide them through the sales funnel. In this article, we will explore how to create an AI-chatbot for your SaaS landing page by using [...]

How Hyperautomation Is Transforming the Banking Industry

Without a well-established automated system, banks would be forced to spend money on staffing and training on a regular basis. Bank automation can assist cut costs in areas including employing, training, acquiring office equipment, and paying for those other large office overhead expenditures. This is due to the fact that automation provides robust payment systems [...]

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